Volume 3 | Issue 4: Tenant Protection Plan Notice To Occupants & Reminder: Sprinkler Compliance Reports - Local Law of 2004

Jun 29, 2018

Local Law 154 of 2017 requires owners to post or distribute a notice regarding the Tenant Protection Plan (TPP) when the Department of Buildings issues the work permit.

Beginning on July 18, 2018 Owners must post or distribute a notice form approved by the Department of Buildings. The notice must be distributed to each occupied dwelling unit OR posted in the lobby and

On each floor within ten feet of the elevator; or

If the building does not have an elevator, within ten feet of or in the main stairwell on each floor.

As of July 18, 2018, owners must post the notice provided by the Department in order to comply with Local Law 154 of 2017. Failure to post the Department's approved notice containing the required contact information may result in the imposition of penalties.

RPO will provide the required notifications for our clients to post with each TPP that we prepare. 

Local Law 154 also requires owners to notify the Department in writing at least 72 hours before starting work that requires a TPP. Owners must use the online notification form on the Department's website to satisfy this requirement.

Please contact Brian Kamei at RPO with any questions pertaining to Local Law 154 of 2017 and/or our Tenant Protection Plan service.  


Deadline for 14 year sprinkler compliance reports in office buildings over 100 feet tall is July 1, 2018, as per Local Law 26 of 2004.

Local Law 26 of 2004

Effective October 22, 2004, this local law mandated the retroactive requirement that a full system of automatic sprinklers be installed in all office buildings and buildings classified in Occupancy Group E over one hundred feet in height. The installation of these required sprinkler systems must be completed on or before July 1, 2019.

Reporting Deadline

The local law also requires that owners of buildings subjected to Local Law 26 of 2004 file a fourteen year report no later than July 1, 2018. These fourteen year reports are required to contain a certification provided by a registered architect or professional engineer declaring the percentage of the building in which sprinklers have been installed at the date of the report. The report must also include an implementation plan, prepared by an architect or engineer, detailing when and how the remaining portions of the building will be made fully compliant.

Building owners who have already submitted a final report on or prior to July 1, 2018, certifying that their building fully complies with the sprinkler requirements set forth in Local Law 26 of 2004 are not required to submit this report.


Building owners who can provide evidence of undue hardship preventing compliance with Local Law 26 of 2004 may apply for a deadline extension by July 1, 2018.

Need more information?

Please feel free to contact RPO with questions pertaining to Local Law 26 of 2004, how to submit a report and/or file for an extension.