Volume 5 | Issue 3: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update & DOB Notification

Mar 30, 2020


Despite the ongoing pandemic, please note that RPO Inc. still have staff personnel in the field to attend meetings or other tasks which can only be achieved by visiting city agencies in person.  We are committed to providing our clients the highest level of support! 

The rest of our staff will primarily be working remotely.  While the NYC Department of Buildings currently remains open, some procedural changes have been implemented. As a result, this change in practice could potentially limit our ability to perform required services as usual and some slow-downs might ensue.  However, be assured that project teams are reachable as usual via email or phone so please do not hesitate to contact us. Additionally, keep in mind that RPO Inc. is committed to doing its part to ensure the safety and well-being of our employees and others.  Therefore, in accordance with the recommendations of local/national health officials, we are practicing social distancing methods, limiting travel and minimizing face-to-face meetings.     


New York City’s guidelines still have not called for a stoppage on construction activity. However, please be advised that if you do decide to close down your construction site, you must inform Department of Buildings and the following requirements must be followed: 

  • Have the site secured to prevent access from any unauthorized personnel. This includes maintenance of construction fencing and posting of permits. 

  • Maintain and secure all scaffolding, debris netting, sidewalk sheds, and temporary walkways. 

  • Maintain all adjoining property protection. 

  • Maintain all guardrails, edge protection systems such as netting and cocoon systems, and floor and shaft opening protection. 

  • Store and maintain cranes in accordance with manufacturer recommendations and approved CN drawings. 

  • Ensure the proper shoring of excavated sites or backfill. 

  • Ensure construction equipment is safely stored and maintained in accordance with manufacturer recommendations. 

  • Ensure construction materials are safely stored. Any light-weight materials susceptible to becoming wind-borne must be removed from the site, tied-down, or ballasted. 

  • Maintain any fire suppression and detection systems. 

  • Maintain all essential utilities. 

  • Remove any volatile gases and liquids. 

  • Remove any standing water and construction debris. 

  • Ensure public sidewalks are clear and clean. 

Obviously, this is a rapidly evolving situation and we will continue to keep you apprised moving forward. For more information on the above changes, please contact RPO Inc.