Volume 6 | Issue 12: Civil Penalties To Be Imposed For Failure To File Sprinkler Report

Dec 23, 2021

Starting on January 1, 2022, failure to file an acceptable sprinkler report will result in civil penalties being assessed to owners. Per the requirements of NYC Local Law 26 of 2004, owners are mandated to file a report attesting to sprinklers being installed in their building. Non-compliance will result in the following civil penalties being imposed:

  • A fine of $5,000 per year for failure to file an acceptable report beginning on January 1, 2022 until an acceptable report is filed with DOB.

  • For late filings: in addition to the above penalty for failure to file, beginning February 1, 2022, $1,000 per month will be levied until an acceptable report is filed.

Upon approval of both an acceptable report by DOB and proof of civil penalty payment, The DOB will dismiss any DOB violations issued for this infraction.

Feel free to contact Kevin Danielson, Esq. with any questions pertaining to these new penalties