Volume 6 | Issue 3: Extension Of Temporary Certificates Of Occupancy
Mar 25, 2021
Given current DOB Now problems, the D.O.B. will auto-renew existing Temporary Certificates of Occupancy that were applied for, even if the transition from the Building Information System (B.I.S.) to DOB Now has not been completed.
The D.O.B. has made it a requirement that all T.C.O./C.O. jobs be migrated from B.I.S. to DOB Now prior to issuing or re-issuing T.C.O.’s and C.O.’s. Due to reliability and compatibility problems for Certificate of Occupancy processing with the latest release of DOB Now, many T.C.O. renewals have begun to lapse.
The D.O.B. has recognized this problem and is issuing T.C.O. extension emails for jobs transitioning from B.I.S. to DOB Now. Once the Schedule of Occupancy request that was submitted in DOB Now is approved, a (Temporary) Certificate of Occupancy request must then be submitted and approved before the subsequent renewal is granted. D.O.B. renewal fees will be applied based on the expiration date of the T.C.O. prior to the extension.