Volume 7 | Issue 1: Major Projects Development Program

Jan 24, 2022

The Department of Buildings adopted a new rule last week in order to implement the Major Projects Development Program which takes effect on May 1, 2022.  The idea is that the DOB will offer dedicated project coordination and guidance services such as pre-application development consultation, pre-construction consultations, pre-inspection consultations, and consultation regarding construction phasing and scheduling.  According to the rule, consultations may cover zoning and code compliance; phasing of filings, permits and occupancy; construction, site safety, and public safety checks; and the issuance of Temporary and Final Certificates of Occupancy. 

This program will be available for proposed new buildings that are greater than 20 stories or 500,00 sf, buildings adding more than 100,000 sf, and developments that pose unique hazards associated with construction or demolition. 

The program is offered on a first-come first-serve basis, subject to program capacity.  The cost is $50,000.00 for each private development and $ 25,000.00 for affordable housing projects.  

There are no details available yet about the actual process for this program, but we venture to guess that it may be very similar to earlier DOB initiatives such as the HUB Development program that was rolled out about 10 years ago during the Bloomberg administration in which many new building applications were reviewed, approved and permitted through a coordinated effort within DOB to accelerate review of applications.  However, there was no fee to participate in that initiative. 

Given that the DOB is now charging to review each construction code determination (CCD) question, this program may very well be worth participating in since they will be providing code and zoning guidance as part of the program. A link to the rule may be found here: Click to View