Volume 8 | Issue 3: Civil Penalty Increase For Failing To Certify Correction Of Class 1 Hazardous Violations

Image by Ervins Strauhmanis @Flickr

The civil penalties imposed by the NYC Department of Buildings for the failure to correct Immediately Hazardous Class 1 summonses (AEUHAZ) are being increased from $3,000 to $5,000. These civil penalties are in addition to the underlying violations that were initially issued for the alleged hazardous condition.

As a part of the Department's ongoing efforts to compel prompt correction of hazardous violations, increased penalties will apply to summonses issued on or after May 15, 2022, for conditions documented at construction sites with residential development greater than four dwelling units and at all other types of buildings.

Class 1 violations are considered hazardous and require immediate action in order to correct. Once the hazardous conditions are remedied, RPO can assist in properly certifying correction in a timely fashion so as to avoid these penalties for failing to correct.

Jun 15, 2023